Master Material
Create Texture Sample and convert in to Parameter. Name "BaseTexture"
Connect Parameter Name="BaseTexture" to BaseColor
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Metallic"
Connect Parameter Name="Metallic" to Metallic
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Specular"
Connect Parameter Name="Specular" to Specular
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Roughness"
Connect Parameter Name="Roughness" to Roughness
Create Texture Sample and convert in to Parameter. Name "Normal"
Connect Parameter Name="Normal" to Normal
Material instance 01
select BaseTexture
select Normal
Metallic = "0.3"
Specular = "0.3"
Roughness = "1"
Material instance 02
select BaseTexture
select Normal
Metallic = "0.2"
Specular = "0.5"
Roughness = "0.3"
Material instance 03
select BaseTexture
select Normal
Metallic = "0.2"
Specular = "0.5"
Roughness = "1"