Translucent Material For Unreal Engine 4

Create Texture Sample and convert in to Parameter. Name "Color"
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "BaseColor_Value"
Create Multiply
Connect Parameter. Name "Color" to Multiply A
Connect Parameter. Name "BaseColor_Value" to Multiply B

Connect Multiply to Base Color

Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Metallic"
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Roughness"
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Opacity"

Connect Parameter. Name "Metallic" to Metallic
Connect Parameter. Name "Roughness" to Roughness
Connect Parameter. Name "Opacity" to Opacity

Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Lerp_A"
Create constant and convert in to Parameter. Name "Refraction"
Create Fresnel
Create Lerp
Connect Parameter. Name "Lerp_A" to Lerp A
Connect Parameter. Name "Refraction" to Lerp B
Connect Fresnel to Lerp Alpha

Connect Lerp to Refraction\

Material instance 01
Select Color
BaseColor_Value = "1"
Lerp_A = "1"
Metallic = "1"
Opacity = "0.3"
Refraction = "1.4"
Roughness = "0"

Material instance 02
Select Color
BaseColor_Value = "1"
Lerp_A = "1"
Metallic = "-0.5"
Opacity = "0.3"
Refraction = "1.4"
Roughness = "0"

Material instance 03
Select Color
BaseColor_Value = "1"
Lerp_A = "1"
Metallic = "-0.5"
Opacity = "0.3"
Refraction = "1.4"
Roughness = "1"